Let's Do Holiday Duck Pins Tole Painting Pattern Book for Paper Mache Gourds and Cones by Pat Olson and Ann Hazelwood
24 page tole painting pattern booklet for use with Duck Pins, which are/were brands of paper mache bowling pins. Clearly, the booklet was a marketing effort to increase sales of these brands of paper mache shapes (made by Decorator & Craft Corp.) and I don't know if it worked or not. These are very cute designs for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, patriotic holidays, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day and Thanksgiving crafts. If you are not into the whole pin shape thing, you can also use these patterns on flat wood cutouts.
The booklet includes a paint color table for Delta, Accent, Folk Art, Decoart Americana, and Jo Sonja brands of acrylic paints.
This booklet is used. The former owner traced the designs on tissue paper rather than cutting them out of the book, so it's still in very nice condition.
Please send me any questions you may have, and thanks for looking.